Bondi Beach.
In the summer months, Bondi Beach is apparently incredibly beautiful and incredibly packed, as thousands of swimmers and surfers vie for less than a mile of beach. It must be quite a sight. For pictures of this I would refer you to the Bondi Beach website because we witnessed the winter swimmers and surfers, which can only be described as hardcore and slightly deranged. There is a 2 mile walk along cliffs from Bondi beach to Bronte beach that is exceptional and highly recommended.

In the summer months, Bondi Beach is apparently incredibly beautiful and incredibly packed, as thousands of swimmers and surfers vie for less than a mile of beach. It must be quite a sight. For pictures of this I would refer you to the Bondi Beach website because we witnessed the winter swimmers and surfers, which can only be described as hardcore and slightly deranged. There is a 2 mile walk along cliffs from Bondi beach to Bronte beach that is exceptional and highly recommended.
One final note about Sydney ... Amy was elated to find evidence that the Bradfield clan was influential in the area (though her elation was tempered by the fact that Australia was founded by convicts - I think her feeling is that the Bradfields came to Sydney well after the convict era). A certain J. Bradfield was instrumental in the erection of the famous harbor bridge.
J. Bradfield was apparently rewarded for his efforts with a plaque and designation of a space known as Bradfield Plaza. It hardly mattered that the real estate for the plaza was not what you'd call "prime," what was important was that the plaza was associated with (or, more aptly, placed under) the bridge. Amy was quick to point out that there was no sign of a Douglass Plaza, Douglass Park, or Douglass Park Bench. My point is (and always has been) that we would have fared far better if our ancestor (the Earl William Douglas) had not been foully murdered at Stirling Castle by King James.