Thursday, April 6, 2023


I can see why people rave about sakura season.  The Japanese have a name for picnicking under the sakura tree (hanami).  From what I can discern, hanami consists of calling out sick,  grabbing a blanket and some take out, and laying in a park and staring at the sakura blossoms.  It is eerily similar to the Lewiston tradition (grillin and chillin with a Pabst Blue Ribbin) except that the sakura trees haven't been mangled by CMP and most people have their shirts on.  

We went to Heiwa park to enjoy the sakura.  I was just getting ready to really unplug when Tessa caused a disturbance.

"Dad!"  Tessa shrieked.  "Put your shirt back on NOW."

What they say is true.  When you're a father, you can never relax.

Rather than muddy the rest of the blog with a lot of "clever writing" (scarequotes by Lily), I'll just end with a few pics of sakura.

I know what you're asking

Where the hell have you been?  Where is the blogging?  What else am I supposed to read during my morning "constitutional?"

It's definitely my bad.  I was distracted by my other writing project, which is now "done."

My plan now with the blog is what psychologists calling 'flooding.'  Essentially, this will consist of producing so many blog posts that it will be hard for most of you to realize that the quality has plummeted, that I'm recycling content, that I've resorted to product placements in lieu of a retirement plan, or that most of the content was produced by a primitive AI.  

That being said, while reading it, why not crack open a cold Pabst Blue Ribbon (the real breakfast of champions)?