Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Heartfelt goodbye text

One of my astute readers wanted to see the heartfelt goodbye text I wrote as I prepared for the storm of the century.  I thought I would share the template I used.  Feel free to use this if you are ever facing a crisis and need to get some texts out in a hurry.

Dear <insert name here>

I am trapped in a Tokyo subway due to <insert disaster here>.  I don’t know if I will make it out but I wanted to tell you how much your <insert relationship type> meant to me over the last <insert time period>.  I think fondly of <insert shared experience> and have always valued your <insert adjective> <insert personality characteristic>.

<insert salutation>


1 comment:

Deba said...

Dear Luke:

I am trapped in a Tokyo subway due to poor decision making. I don’t know if I will make it out but I wanted to tell you how much your friendship meant to me over the last couple of decades. I think fondly of time working in CPT where you were given all the dangerous cases because you were a guy and have always valued your wicked sense of humor.

In the TMFC we trust,
